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Actor/Soul Comparison

DanPAdams: I would like to be able to talk about matters that are close to my heart with my friends.

CoolMissEC: Why do you say close to your heart. It's not close to your heart. It takes up all of your being except for your soul, because souls can be cleansed easily, and the body and thoughts of the brain cannot.

DanPAdams: "Close to the heart" is an expression meaning something or someone that is near and dear to the person who it is referring to. It was a metaphor.

CoolMissEC: Yes, but it's a bad metaphor, which is why I corrected you.

DanPAdams: In my opinion, It actually takes up a person's entire being, including heart, mind and soul.

CoolMissEC: No, because in each life, your soul remains, but your body and thoughts and everything in between in new for the next character the soul plays next.

DanPAdams: Remember, I do not believein past lives the way you do. With that in mind, can you try again to understand what I just said and not try to correct it from being what it is?

CoolMissEC: Okay fine, but just one question. For a world that believes in reusing and recycling, don't you think that that idea would have originated by G-d. Our souls are recycled/reused.

DanPAdams: I believe that there are some things that God will not recycle such as the human soul. There are also things on earth that we would not recycle even if we were able to do so, similarly the soul is something that God would not recycle even though He is able to recycle it.

CoolMissEC: Okay, I understand and to a point it does make sense to me, but from what I can see we are all actors upon the stage of life, and we do one character and then move on to another character.

DanPAdams: And that is your opinion and belief.
DanPAdams: Does got have angels and souls worshiping him?

CoolMissEC: Why we take so long up in heaven to reincarnate is because we need to learn our role for the next life.
CoolMissEC: It make sense to me.

DanPAdams: What makes sense to you?

CoolMissEC: Sure. Angels are stage/sound/lighting, etc crew.

DanPAdams: I said Angels and Souls, not just Angels?

CoolMissEC: That G-d would believe that souls are too precious to recycle.
CoolMissEC: Souls are actors. Angels are crew/techies.

DanPAdams: Can Actors be crew also, such as moving stage props? Also can Actors become Crew once their part is done, especially if there is not a better person for another part.

CoolMissEC: Sure. We are angels are some point.

DanPAdams: But if you are an Actor/Actress and then you take part in the crew for a play, are you not still and Actor/Actress? Inside your heart still longs to be an Actor/Actress and not to switch entirely.

CoolMissEC: Sure. I can be both. On a more spiritual level, and during this lifetime. Although, I've mainly chosen to be a techie during my lifetime on earth.

DanPAdams: So if you are a techie, at heart you are a techie, and while you may be an Actress at one point, at heart do you remain a techie or an Actress, assuming you can only be one.

CoolMissEC: I am an actor upon the stage of life. I go where G-d has written me to go.
CoolMissEC: So do you, but if we make a mistake G-d writes in an alternate path that will lead to the original one as soon as possible.

DanPAdams: But suppose you were a techie in the stage of life, if you choose to come and become an actress temporarily, would that change your status as a techie, assuming you could only be a techie or an actress?

CoolMissEC: No, because in my heart I can be both. I have the heart of a techie and a soul of an actress.
CoolMissEC: Somehow it all works. G-d makes it work. That's why G-d's G-d.

DanPAdams: But I am adding a twist to the question: assume for now you could only be an actress or a techie.
DanPAdams: But we are trying to discuss this, I was trying to ask you a question.

CoolMissEC: I will quote from Archie Bunker, "G-d don't make mistakes...that's how G-d got to be G-d."
CoolMissEC: I don't know.
CoolMissEC: If that is the way it is, I guess I chose to be an actress. Which would make sense why in this life, I'd go back to my ways of techiness.

DanPAdams: I am not thinking that God has ever made a mistake. Can you try to think of an answer, even though it is thinking a new and different way from how you believe?

CoolMissEC: Read my previous statement.

DanPAdams: I know, I was typing what I said before you said it, I just hadn't finished typing.

CoolMissEC: Oh.
CoolMissEC: Does my statement make sense.

DanPAdams: It does before you say "I'd go back to the ways of techiness"

CoolMissEC: I mean. In my conscious life. Meaning the character I'm playing, is the fact that I'd rather do lighting or stage than being an actor.

DanPAdams: Ok
DanPAdams: Do you understand what I have been trying to say?
DanPAdams: Once an Actor finishes his role in the play, he then goes on to become a techie to fulfill the obligations of a techie but is thought of as a retired actor. Granted recycling ideas, in the idea I am thinking of, the more techies the better.

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