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  It's dark in the world and we have the light. Are we lighting the way? Dave Branon
  All of us have struggles. They may be related to age, finances, relationships, or a myriad of other difficulties. But if we truly set our heart to trusting God, and if we stay thankful even in the midst of our troubles, we'll Dave Branon
  Older Christians, including grandparents, have a unique responsibility
and opportunity--that of example and instruction--which either
directly or indirectly keeps the heritage of faith alive from generation
to generation.
Dave Branon
  Let's be thankful for the strong heritage of faith, love, and
family that grandparents can leave to those who come after them.
And grandparents should seize every opportunity of relating to
their grandchildren, so that their faith will become the faith of their children's children.
Dave Branon
xRef In our relationship with Christ, we find encouragement,
consolation, love, fellowship, affection, and mercy (Philippians 2:1).
God comforts us so that we can comfort others (2 Corinthians 1:4).
So let's "rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those
who weep" (Romans 12:15). Then others will find a circle of
compassion too.
Dave Branon
  The world spends millions convincing our children that they can't be happy without a certain kind of shoe. How much more we have to offer them by showing them that happiness comes by walking with God! Dave Branon
  Let's make sure our churches are safe havens from squabbles by remembering what a church is for Dave Branon
xRef Two thousand years ago Jesus rose from the grave and gave
"many infallible proofs" that He was alive (Acts 1:3). That's why we
can keep going in the face of fear. Because Jesus lives, we can
face tomorrow.
Dave Branon
  Are you in the middle of trouble? Take refuge in the Most High God. Dave Branon
  How much more spiritually healthy we would be if we engaged
in a godly fitness training program that matched that of
the psalmist! Do you read the Bible, meditate on its truths,
and pray each day? If not, begin spiritual fitness
training today.
Dave Branon
  The reality of heaven is one of the Bible's most glorious truths. It's a real place where our loved ones live in the presence of our great God, forever serving Him and singing His praises--all because of His amazing grace! Dave Branon
  As we stand with our back to the past 12 months and our face toward the new year, we can have hope because we too can be sure of God's help. That makes the prospect of a new year worth celebrating! Dave Branon
Maintained by: Dan Adams - Feedback
©2013 Dan Adams - Phoenix, Arizona