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  We need not fear the devil or demons. Our Lord Jesus
is greater!
Albert Lee
  Physical walls can be scaled or broken through, no matter how high or strong they are. But as God's children, we have the best wall of protection anyone can have--God's personal presence. Nothing can pass through to us without first passing through Him and His will. In Him we are safe and secure. Albert Lee
  If we are preaching or leading, we must faithfully serve the Lord as Amos did, even if the task is unpleasant, unpopular, or rejected by our audience. And if we're in the congregation, we need to be sure that when we hear something we don't agree with, we're not actually resisting what the Lord wants us to hear and do.
Albert Lee
xRef To finish well, we need to avoid having a heart that is "lifted up." Let's remind ourselves often of the warning in Proverbs 16:18, "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall." And let's keep seeking the Lord, obeying Him, and thanking Him for all He has done. Albert Lee
  We may not fully comprehend God's purpose in our difficulty and suffering, but we must not cease to love Him. We must trust Him and hope in Him in spite of the trials that threaten to overwhelm us. Albert Lee
Maintained by: Dan Adams - Feedback
©2013 Dan Adams - Phoenix, Arizona